Cyclone5 Pro 5 speed gearbox.
This is the revolutionary new 'Cyclone 5 Speed' complete 5 speed gearbox kit for Lambretta S1 + S2 + S3 + GP / DL and Serveta models.
Casa performance have made a lot of modifications to the design and this has greatly improved the gearboxes in almost every aspect. They have much better lubrication both between the actual gear cogs and for the cluster needle bearing. Unlike all the predecessors, the actual gears are now all full-width (i.e. with no spaces between each other) on the cluster with these same cogs are interlocking between each another. The loose cogs are also much wider. Every single tooth is also individually surface-machined .The appearance of the Cyclone 5 Pro components is also much brighter as everything is subjected to a special surface treatment lthat leaves it all gleaming. The end result is that these Cyclone gearboxes are now much stronger, much quieter in operation and super-smooth in operation compared to anything produced to date.
Make no mistake, these Cyclone 5 Pro gearboxes are the best you can get.
They are what are used to power the 'Casa Lambretta Racing Team' scooters.
These add enjoyment to using your Lambretta ten-fold. Once you've tried a Cyclone 5 Pro gearbox, you'll NEVER want to go back to a 4 speed box. Guaranteed.
The Cyclone 5 Pro gearbox kit includes the following parts:
5 x loose gear cogs
1 x gearbox cluster
1 x sliding dog gearbox selector
1 x set of large 1st gear shims
The set of small shims (Code : X160j) previously supplied is no longer supplied. This is due to the fact that the Cyclone 5 Pro cluster must be fitted without a shim either top or bottom and the other shims were used to compensate for oddball manufacturing measurements of other manufacturers layshafts and we recommend the use of our casa layshaft only for perfect alignment.
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