X1s SPORT version Casa 200 for small block 125/150/175.
200cc for small block casings.
This kit includes:
Alluminium Nikasil 5 ports barrel with lightweight concentric head with snew type fins to improve cooling.
Meteor piston 66.4mm with NPR rings.
Gaskets & Studs
Gilardoni's patented T shaped exhaust port, exclusively designed for Casa Lambretta`s new barrel range.
The 5th transfer is now casted to improve reliability.
X1s SPORT version Casa 200 for small block 125/150/175. 200cc for small block casings. This kit includes:...
Cuppini Chrome Rear Backrest Carrier 3 In 1.
CasaCooler NEW VERSION kit made of high quality and heat treated cast aluminium another Casa Performance...
6mm domed Stainless steel nut can be used to fix side casing.