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Hydraulic Hose For Casa Master Cylinder

tlx131ss X79 0 product stars

Hydraulic Hose For Casa Master Cylinder Summary

Stainless steel clear coated Special hydraulic hose tube with MIXED 8mm + 10mm banjo eyelets, for people who wish to fit the super-neat Casa Performance master cylinder and switch housing on the handlebars and need to attach the set-up to their existing brake unit. the casa master cylinder use unusually small banjo connections with holes for 8mm bolts, whereas the most common size on the market is 10mm. 

This special hose has an 8mm banjo eyelet on one end and a 10mm version at the other end, allowing you to fit a Casa Performance master cylinder set-up to your scooter whilst retaining your existing brake unit.
made by HEL Performance
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Hydraulic Hose For Casa Master Cylinder

Hydraulic Hose For Casa Master Cylinder

Stainless steel clear coated Special hydraulic hose tube with MIXED 8mm + 10mm banjo eyelets, for people...

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