MB Race-Tour rear hub bearing which fits all Series 1, 2 , 3 and Gp Lambrettas.
This is the 1st oversized 52.05 - 52.08mm bearing to take up play if a standard bearing is loose in the casing.
Bearing to suit standard & tuned scooters.
This comes with slight improvments that standard bearings don't have.
This comes with a MB race-tour rear hub oil seal and comes with a special O ring to help seal the bearing in place in the casing, this bearing now has a recess to locate the O ring.
Uses standard size rear hub seal 32 x 45 x 6mm.
ist Oversize rear hub bearing to be used in engine casings that the rear hub bearing aperture is slightely...
ScootaNova Magazine July/August edition issue 008
Rear number/license plate holder in stainless steel for fitting number plates to Lui, Vega and Cometa.....
12mm circlip self coloured specifically used on the brake pivots, clutch arms and rear brake pedals.